Roman Villion suvremene hrvatske autorice Jasne Horvat smješten je u godinu kada se veliki vladar Kublaj-kan i njegov pouzdanik Marko Polo rastaju. Nakon 17 godina službe na Kublaj-kanovom dvoru, Marko Polo traži da mu se dopusti povratak u Kraljevinu Hrvatsku. Kublaj Kan inzistira da Marko objasni razloge zbog kojih bi ga trebao pustiti da se vrati kući, što je ujedno i povod za ovog drugara na samom kraju Kublai Khanova života.
Roman Villion krase brojni citati iz Coleridgeove pjesme Kublai Khan ili Vizija u snu, Snijeg Orhana Pamuka, San o Coleridgeu Jorgea Luisa Borgesa ili Calvinovi nevidljivi gradovi i mnogi drugi. Ovim citatima roman postaje književni katalog velikih svjetskih pisaca koji se bave Kublaj-kanom i Markom Polom kao glavnom temom u svojim književnim tekstovima. Sve navedeno navodi na zaključak da roman Villion povezuje Veliko Carstvo s današnjom Kinom, a današnju Kinu s kulturnim dostignućima Puta svile kao stožerne, svevremenske poveznice Istoka i Zapada.
The novel Villion by contemporary Croatian author Jasna Horvat is set in the year when the great ruler Kublai Khan and his confidant Marco Polo reach a parting of the ways. After the 17-years service in Kublai-Khan’s Court, Marco Polo pleads to be allowed to return to the Kingdom of Croatia. Kublai Khan insists on Marco explaining the reasons why he should let him return home, which is at the same time the occasion for this fellowhisp at the very end of Kublai Khan’s life. The novel Villion is adorned with numerous quotations from Coleridge’s poem Kublai Khan or A Vision in a Dream, Orhan Pamuk’s Snow, Jorge Luis Borges’s The Dream of Coleridge or Calvin’s Invisible Cities and many others. With these quotes, the novel becomes a literature catalogue of major world writers dealing with Kublai Khan and Marco Polo as the main theme in their literary texts. All of the above mentioned leads to the conclusion that the novel Villion connects the Great Empire with today’s China, and today’s China with cultural achievements of the Silk Route as pivotal, all-time link between East and West.